Provincial Registrar of Business Names for Western Province Sri Lanka under Certificate No W/RT/5449
Associate Member
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission
International Partner RPC
Royal Psychologist Community Pakistan
International Partner ICCPP International Center for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

Some of the Special Award Winners of the Year 2024

Community Service Award in Social Development
Best Award in Counseling Services
Academic Performance Award in Psychology
The Community Health Development Award

Some of the Special Award Winners of the Year 2020

National Book Award 2020 in Social Development
Senior Practitioner Award 2020 in Counseling Service
Best Service Award 2020 In Elderly Care
Top Coach Award 2020 in Social Development


Awards Categories:


(1) Community Service Award In Social Development
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions to their community through their time, actions, talents and dedication for more than one year.
(2) Best Service Award In Elderly Care
Eligibility to apply:-
People who have engaged in work activities for more than one year, occupations or a wide variety of services in the field of Caregiver (Elder)
(3) Best Service Award in Contribution to Psychology
Eligibility to apply:-
People who have engaged in work activities for more than one year, occupations or a wide variety of services in the field of psychology
(4) Service Award in Child Care
Eligibility to apply:-
People who have work activities for more than one year, occupations or a wide variety of services in the field of child care, child education or child development
(5) Service Award in Special Needs Education
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions to special needs education for more than one year.
(6) Outstanding Performance Award in Health Education
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions to health education for more than one year.
(7) Best Service Award in Home Care Nursing
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service to home care nursing for more than one year.
(8) Service Award in Animal Care
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service to animal care for more than one year.
(9) Academic Achievement Award in Psychology
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who have educational achievements or qualifications in psychology
(10) Top Coach Award in Social Development
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service in the life coaching field for more than one year.
(11) Public Trainer Award in Social Development
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service in the public training field for more than one year.
(12) Best Teacher Award in Preschool Education
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service in the public training field for more than one year.
(13) Beat Award in Counseling Service
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who have been making significant contributions or service in the psychological counseling field for more than 10 years.
(14) Child Development Projects Award
Eligibility to apply:-
Persons who are making significant contributions or service in child development projects for more than one year.
(15) Best Island wide Tree Planting Project Award
Eligibility to apply:-
People who have engaged in projects that plant or grow more than 500 trees within a year
(16) Great Achievement Award In Applied Psychology
Eligibility to apply:-
Graduates who have excellent educational achievements in applied psychology
(17) Social Service Award in Women Empowerment
Eligibility to apply:-
People who have outstanding work in the fields of economic and social empowerment for women for more than one year.
(18) Best Outstanding Award for Contribution to Education
Eligibility to apply:-
People who are exceptionally dedicated to educational academic programs for more than two years.
Global Institute of Counseling Professionals is planning to have their third convocation in 2025 at BMICH Colombo. If you wish to register for an award, please follow the relevant details given on this page. If you wish to register, please submit your application and email the relevant documents before 30th of March 2025.


Step 1 – Carefully read the categories and details of these awards.

Step 2 – Select which category is more applicable for you.

Step 3 – Now fill out the application by including information based on your demonstrated academic achievement or your extracurricular service involvement, in the section of “If you have more to say about your Service” where you can see the final section of the application.

(Highlighting how your achievements related to this award you are applying to match the criteria and excellence demonstrated is very important.)

Step 4 – After filling out the application, just check everything is in correct order to the best of your knowledge and SUBMIT THE APPLICATION.

Step 5 – After submitting the application, please email the relevant documents, the (original scan) documents to this email address mentioned below along with the name of your application.

** Academic achievements / Education
** Extra-curricular involvement (on-campus and off-campus)
** Volunteer and leadership experience
** Service Experience
** Your full resume or C.V.
** Recommendation letter about you


Application closing date 30th of March 2025

If you have been selected, you will be informed by GIOCP before 20th of June 2025

After 20th of June, those who have selected can pay the registration fee to the GIOCP bank account as mentioned below, before 15th of July 2025.

FOR FOREIGN APPLICANTS,  Registration fee: USD 320


BANK NAME – Sampath Bank PLC
BRANCH – Ratmalana
BENEFICIARY – Global Institute Of Counseling Professionals
ADDRESS OF BENEFICIARY – No: 13, Jayamawatha Ratmalana
ACCOUNT NUMBER – 101814021686
BANK CODE – 7278

In the application there may be more categories. If someone has relevant eligibility for those categories, they also can apply for those categories too.

අයදුම්පත්‍රයෙහි තවත් වැඩිපුර කාණ්ඩ තිබිය හැකිය. යමෙකුට එම කාණ්ඩ සඳහා අදාළ සුදුසුකම් තිබේ නම්, ඔවුන්ට එම කාණ්ඩ සඳහා ද අයදුම් කළ හැකිය.

ඉල්ලුම් කළ යුතු ආකාරය

පියවර 1 – මෙම සම්මානවල කාණ්ඩ සහ විස්තර හොඳින් කියවන්න.

පියවර 2 – ඔබට වඩාත් අදාළ වන්නේ කුමන කාණ්ඩයද යන්න තෝරන්න.

පියවර 3 – දැන් ඔබට අයදුම්පත්‍රයේ අවසාන කොටස දැකිය හැකි “ඔබේ සේවාව ගැන තව කීමට තිබේ නම්” යන කොටසේ, ඔබගේ නිරූපිත අධ්‍යයන ජයග්‍රහණ හෝ ඔබගේ විෂය බාහිර සේවා සම්බන්ධය මත පදනම් වූ තොරතුරු ඇතුළත් කිරීමෙන් අයදුම්පත පුරවන්න.

(මෙම සම්මානය හා සම්බන්ධ ඔබගේ ජයග්‍රහණ පෙන්නුම් කර ඇති නිර්ණායක හා විශිෂ්ටත්වයට ගැලපෙන ලෙස ඔබ අයදුම් කරන ආකාරය ඉස්මතු කිරීම ඉතා වැදගත් වේ.)

පියවර 4 – අයදුම්පත පිරවීමෙන් පසු, ඔබගේ දැනුමේ උපරිමය පරිදි සියල්ල නිවැරදි පිළිවෙළට තිබේදැයි පරීක්ෂා කර අයදුම් කරන්න.

පියවර 5 – අයදුම් පත්‍රය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමෙන් පසු, කරුණාකර ඔබගේ අයදුම්පත්‍රයේ සඳහන් නම සමඟ පහත සඳහන් ඊමේල් ලිපිනයට අදාළ ලේඛන, (මුල් ස්කෑන්) ලේඛන පිටපත් යොමු කරන්න.

** අධ්‍යයන ජයග්‍රහණ / අධ්‍යාපනය
** විෂය බාහිර සහභාගීත්වය (විශ්වවිද්‍යාල තුළ සහ ඉන් පිටත)
** ස්වේච්ඡා සහ නායකත්ව පළපුරුද්ද
** සේවා පළපුරුද්ද
** ඔබේ සම්පූර්ණ ජීව දත්ත පත්‍රය හෝ C.V.
** පිළිගත් පුද්ගලයෙකුගෙන් හෝ සංවිධානයකින් ඔබ ගැන නිර්දේශ ලිපියක්

විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල:

අයදුම් කිරීමේ අවසන් දිනය 2025 මාර්තු මස 30 වන දිනයි.

ඔබව GIOCP මඟින් තෝරාගෙන තිබේ නම්, 2025 ජුනි මස 20 වන දිනට පෙර ඔබට ඒ බව GIOCP මගින් දැනුම් දෙනු ලැබේ.

2025 ජුනි මස 20 වන දිනෙන් පසු, තෝරාගත් අයහට 2025 ජුලි මස 15 වන දිනට පෙර පහත සඳහන් GIOCP බැංකු ගිණුමට ලියාපදිංචි ගාස්තුව ගෙවිය හැකිය.

ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය අයදුම්කරුවන් සඳහා, ලියාපදිංචි ගාස්තු: රු. 55,000/- 

බැංකු තොරතුරු

BANK NAME බැංකුවේ නම – Sampath Bank PLC
BRANCH ශාඛාවේ නම – Ratmalana
BENEFICIARY ප්‍රතිලාභියාගේ නම – Global Institute Of Counseling Professionals
ACCOUNT NUMBER ප්‍රතිලාභියාගේ ගිණුම් අංකය – 101814021686


Submit your application..

When you have been selected, your Award Registration fees details will be sent to your mail.